Breathe for Transformation

What is Breathwork

Conscious Connected Breath is a type of transformational breathwork that works in opening up the unconscious, and to create an altered state of consciousness. Other similar titles are“DMT breathwork”, “psychedelic breathwork” or “shamanic breathwork”, for example. It is a somatic way of working with emotions, trauma, and limiting beliefs, in that it allows the intelligence of the body to take over and bring about release and transformation. Yet as a breather you are fully in control over the experience, which makes it a very safe space of trance and healing.
The breath opens us up to the vast sea of energy within the unconscious realms, and gives us the opportunity to work through, release and integrate whatever surfaces.

Through Conscious Breathwork we are releasing “emotional dust” and blockages from deep within, and the best part is that we don’t need to know what is coming up, or try to figure it out. All we needis to be open to the feelings and to finally give them voice and permission to exist. There is no way of doing this wrong and your body knows exactly how to do this.

excerpt from The Myth of Normal - Dr. Gabor Maté:
“All trauma is preverbal” the psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk has written. His statement is true in two senses. First, the psychic wounds we sustain are often inflicted upon us before our brainis capable of formulating any kind of a verbal narrative. Second, even after we become language-endowed, some wounds are imprinted on regions of our nervous system having nothing to do with languageor concept; this includes brain areas, of course, but the rest of the body, too. They are stored in parts of us that words and thoughts cannot directly access – we might even call this level oftraumatic encoding “subverbal”. As Peter Levine explains: “Conscious, explicit memory is only the preverbial tip of a very deep and mighty iceberg. It barely hints at the submerged strata of primalimplicit experience that moves us in a way the conscious mind can only begin to imagine.”

Breathwork increases resilience and resourcefulness in daily life, as it creates a state of harmony and alignment in the body-mind system.

One-on-One Breathwork

I offer one-on-one sessions with transformational breathwork. Conscious Connected Breath allows for altered states of consciousness and an expansion of consciousness, or in other words:

 embodiment and trance.

 It is often experienced as an opening of the unconscious and the body intelligence taking over, while the thinking mind takes a backseat. Dense energy, physical and emotional, naturally can free up and release.

This work integrates with my general trauma work and emotional release work in my praxis.

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Group Breathwork sessions

I invite you to a transformational journey with yourself, deeply exploring the power of Conscious Connected Breath in a small group setting. Let us break through the prison of the thinking mind and open up to life force that cures and transforms from within. 

A lot of different things happen under the name of “breathwork”. The sessions that I offer are characterized by a thorough introduction to the work and technique, and then minimal guidance during the journey, where music is a strong guiding force to bring you in your own journey with your breath. This way we achieve maximum depth for your intimate experience that will arise when the breath opens you up to different states of consciousness. If you want to experience your own powerful DMT release, and find deeper healing in your inner world, this could be for you.

Holotropic Breathwork
Here is a great article that gives some more insights into this work.
Holotropic Breathwork by Stanislav Grof,
Adobe Acrobat Document 351.5 KB

to introduce you to this sacred work with breath, Rita Gonçalves found a way to put it in words like I would never be able to do:

The Power of Being Gentle

by Rita Gonçalves

There’s nothing more gentle than prana. The subtle inhale and exhale caress the corners of the body, inviting this life force to travel within your physical vessel. It allows you to relax, let go of control and simply feel the sensations of the inner winds.

Je’he is precisely a reflection of all that — his kind presence and soft voice allow you to feel safe and therefore confident to dive into and explore new worlds within you. You feel energetically held by his compassion and empathy. 

And there’s nothing more powerful than that. Suddenly what was once a small breeze turns into a powerful wind and you find yourself in the eye of the storm, feeling all the repressed emotions that were once tucked away in those corners of the body and that are now being shaken up and brought to your attention. And you keep breathing and things continue to come up, spiralling up, so they can come out, the breath being both the anchor to the present moment and the alchemy to a new reality.  

And then — silence. Everything is moving at a slower pace. The winds seems long gone but if you look closely, the prana continues to move (_it_ self and _your_ self), gently, subtly. You ear the birds laughing at the distance and see the leaves slowly dancing. You feel the butterflies fill all your body and you stop feeling the limits of your body. You transcend the physical realm and become the life force itself.

Working with the breath, specially when you are invited to move with it in such a compassionate way, is super transformative, because it reminds you of the essence of life. You are now different, yet the same as you have always been and always will be — pure love. Welcome home.